Can I Take Dietary Supplements Safely If I Have a Medical Condition?

Consulting your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements to treat a health condition is essential. It is important to get approval from your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements instead of or in combination with prescription drugs. Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA as foods, not as drugs, but many of them contain ingredients that have strong biological effects that may conflict with a medication you are taking or with a medical condition you may have. Products that contain hidden drugs are also sometimes falsely marketed as dietary supplements, putting consumers at even greater risk.

For these reasons, it is important to consult with a health professional before using any dietary supplement. Read these consumer updates for more information. People take these supplements to make sure they get enough essential nutrients and to maintain or improve their health. For instance, “a supplement is not supposed to be able to be advertised as if it would help treat a disease or an ailment. While vitamins and nutritional or dietary supplements can be beneficial to health, they can also pose health risks.

In addition, the effects of many supplements have not been evaluated in children, pregnant women and other groups. Those claims are 100% legal and may lead consumers to believe the supplement can protect them from COVID-19, but that's not the case, Dr. Previous research suggested that men who took vitamin E supplements might have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Two members of the AMA spent time discussing what doctors would like patients to know about vitamins and nutritional supplements. It's important for all women of child-bearing age to have 400 micrograms of folic acid a day, either through supplements or fortified foods.

Of the supplements that aren't derived from vitamins and minerals, Hopp says, “fish oil probably has the most scientific evidence to support its use”.For more detailed information on the subject, see a recent report from the AMA Council on Science and Public Health that updated and modernized the AMA's dietary supplement policy. That's why “I strongly recommend that people talk to their doctors about supplements, since “inappropriate use of supplements can cause several problems”, Dr. Cohen said during an episode of the “AMA Moving Medicine” video series on dietary supplements and regulations. And some of them have had dramatic effects on the sale of supplements and the use of supplements, Dr. And with more than 90,000 different supplements on the market, it can be confusing to understand what is safe and what isn't.

These include glucosamine (for joint pain) and herbal supplements such as echinacea (immune health) and flaxseed oil (digestion).It is important for individuals to understand the potential risks associated with taking dietary supplements before they start using them. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential in order to ensure that any supplement taken is safe for an individual's particular medical condition. It is important to remember that dietary supplements are not intended to replace prescription medications or other treatments recommended by your doctor. Before taking any supplement, it is important to discuss it with your healthcare provider in order to determine if it is appropriate for you and if there are any potential risks associated with taking it. In conclusion, consulting your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements is essential in order to ensure safety and effectiveness. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with taking dietary supplements before starting any new supplement regimen.

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